spherical end measuring rod câu
measuring rod
This is a sort of measuring rod for our use.Đó là đường nét khái quát chung định hướng cho sự vận dụng của chúng ta. Do not fear to lo...

First it was spherical, then oval and now tropezoidial.Lúc đầu nó hình cầu, rồi oval, và bây giờ hình thang. Ayaats in the Quran which...

Organ of copulation, measuring between five and 40 centimeters.""Cơ quan giao hợp của con người, dài từ 5 tới 40 centimét." But the bi...

Somehow they must have picked up that fuel rod.Bằng cách nào đó họ đã lấy được 1 ống nhiên liệu. It's a tremendous lightning rod for f...

spherical aberration
LASIK has certain potential side effects including halos or glare, which are caused due to induced spherical aberration.LASIK có một số...

spherical astronomy
To be able to get a grasp of spherical astronomy, however, she had had to immerse herself in the deeper mysteries of mathematics.Nhưng ...

spherical bearing
Spherical bearing for diffuserNatural sậy sticks đối với diffuser The spherical bearing applies to request priority equipments and par...

spherical capacitor
The earth is a spherical capacitor, which means electrons at high frequency would propagate through the air with little impedance.Trái ...

spherical coordinate
Although not a physical constant, {} appears routinely in equations describing fundamental principles of the universe, often because of...

spherical coordinates
the resulting surface in spherical coordinates. ⇒Parametric Surfaces in Spherical Coordinates ( Vẽ mặt tham số trong hệ tọa độ cầu ) th...

spherical dome
Church with appreciable spherical dome rebuilt in 1970 on the site of an identical temple, destroyed by the Nazis.Nhà thờ với mái vòm h...

spherical geometry
Other decisions, like the spherical geometry, are harder to justify, but very helpful.Những quyết định khác, như hình dạng khối cầu, th...

spherical harmonic
Spherical harmonic analysis can be used to distinguish internal from external sources if measurements are available at more than one he...

spherical head
Sensitivity distribution of EEG electrodes in the spherical head model.Sự phân bố độ nhạy cảm của các điện cực EEG trong mô hình đầu ng...

spherical in shape
Recent observations indicate that M89 may be nearly perfectly spherical in shape.Các quan sát hiện tại chỉ ra rằng M89 có thể có hình c...

spherical lens
Meanwhile, cameras with a spherical lens can zoom in and monitor public safety in large open spaces.Camera với ống kính hình cầu có thể...

spherical mirror
Still Life with Spherical Mirror, lithograph, (1934)Still Life with Spherical Mirror, tranh in thạch bản (1934) Still Life with Spheric...

spherical region
The Bootes void is an enormous, approximately spherical region of space, containing very few galaxies.Khoảng trống Boötes (khoảng trống...

spherical shell
The earth’s crust is also a hard spherical shell, so it too will deform in an arc-and-cusp pattern if the crust is pulled down.Do là ke...

spherical space
We will live in spherical space.Ta sẽ sống trong không gian rạng rỡ. A three-dimensional equivalent is the unbounded "spherical space"...

spherical surface
This is a spherical surface that marks the boundary of the black hole.Đây là một bề mặt hình cầu đánh dấu biên giới của hố đen. A sphe...

spherical tank
MiniBooNE monitors the tiny flashes of light that are produced occasionally when electron neutrinos interact with atomic nuclei in abou...

spherical trigonometry
Spherical trigonometry.Môn lượng giác cầu. Spherical trigonometry was thoroughly developed in modern form by Euler in his 1782 paper [...

at the end
Am I gonna be happy at the end of this walk?Rồi tôi sẽ gặp chuyên vui khi chuyến đi kết thúc chứ? We have to reach a locked door at th...

You want me to end your suffering, don't you, hmm?Cậu muốn tôi kết thúc nỗi thống khổ này, phải không? Truck 21 spotted on the north e...